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WTF Wednesday: A Root Canal LeAnn Rimes? Suck it Up

1 Aug


Did I read that right? She was waiting to meet her endodontist to do a frigging ROOT CANAL? Whaaat? I’m sure the world was on the edge of their seats while she was in “surgery” and heaved a collective sigh of relief when she tweeted… “Out of surgery!!! All is well”. What with her life hanging by a thread and all, thank GOD she let everyone know she had survived!

Continued… click HERE to head to our new blog for the rest of the story.

Don’t forget to follow the new blog!

New Blog!

29 Jul

It’s official! We’ve moved blogs.

The new blog has more features, more capabilities, more fun things to look at and it’s actually connected to our website. We’re sure, after all of this transfer business, we’ll be contacted by Microsoft or Google to lead their next campaign. Yeah, it’s a pretty big deal that we could follow directions and it actually worked.

Here’s a sample of what we look like:

We’re going dark. It matches our personalities a little bit more. Frilly, cute colors and elegant just isn’t our cup-o-tea.

This blog will remain here to redirect but we won’t be posting new content.

Come join us and be a part of our community!

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  • Follow the blog
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The sky is the limit, friends. See you there!


Tawsha and Patti

Minor Announcement: Moving Blogs

27 Jul

We’re moving blogs and we don’t want to lose you!

The fact that you read the blog on a daily basis is a really big deal to us. We’re going big time and actually connecting our blog to our website. Go fig, huh? The transition will happen tonight into tomorrow.

The problem: We can’t take you with us…we need you to follow us (both literally and figuratively). Will you?

Starting on Sunday, please find us on under the BLOG menu option. Easy peasy. Click follow and we’re golden.

Once you’re there…tell your friends.

So, do we have a date?

Any questions or to just chat, email us: events (at) weddingpreviewevent (dot) com.


Cheating: Are there certain levels?

27 Jul

Oh hell! If Edward and Bella can’t make it, can’t nobody make it, y’all!

I’m treating this lightly but if I were in this situation, you’d better believe it would feel like my entire world came crashing down – no matter which side of the relationship I’m on.

In case you’ve been living under a rock (or have a life), here’s a quick synopsis:

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart were made famous because a woman named Stephenie Meyer started obsessing over a teen love story created in her head. This imaginary love story turned into what we know as the Twilight series. Robert is a vampire named Edward and Kristen is your “normal” high school girl, Bella (er…something like that. I’m probably the only American who hasn’t read these books).

Robert and Kristen started dating in real life (i.e. for realz) and have basically become famous together.

Kristen has been shooting a new movie, Snow White and the Huntsman with director Rupert Sanders. Dun…dun…dunnnnnnn! Apparently, Kristen has made herself quite cozy with the married director.

Breaking down the situation: Allegedly Kristen and Rupert were caught getting all up in each other’s biz. It was at that point (after being caught on camera) when the two of them apologized.

Kristen’s people said:

“Kristen is absolutely devastated. It was a mistake and a complete lapse in judgment. She wasn’t having an affair with Rupert. It was just a fleeting moment that shouldn’t have happened. She never meant to hurt anyone. She’s a good person who just made a bad choice.”

What did they do? They had a reported “marathon makeout session.”

Call me US Weekly or Entertainment Tonight with that excellent recap of celebrity news. If mine wasn’t good enough, here are more deets.

Our question to you is this:

Does a “marathon makeout session” constitute as cheating?

Before you answer, consider your fiance coming to you after the bachelor or bachelorette party using this as their explanation.



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20 Minute DIY Spa Gift

26 Jul

This whole spa pack cost less than $20 and took me around 20 minutes to create. This is literally the quickest DIY project on the face of this planet. Lierally, meaning that I’ve looked up every DIY project ever created. Okay, no, but I must have you know that it’s so easy peasy.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked to join a friend at a party or received a last-minute invite and didn’t have a gift. I’m the type who can’t just swing by the store, grab something, throw it in a gift bag and run. I have to have some sort of “I gave this a bit of thought and effort” gift.

Who doesn’t like a little pampering?

Included in the gift:

  • Hand Scrub
  • Leg Silk
  • Face Peel
  • Gossip mags
  • Scoops
  • Loofah
  • Face Towel

I also had shipping labels I printed the name of the mixture on. I cut it out in an oval shape and added a ribbon for a little flair. I grabbed some ribbon from my random smattering of craft supplies.

In order to pull this gift together, I went around my house and gathered anything “new” I had in the way of spa gifts and spa supplies. The rest I purchased at the store. In a quick run and grab shopping trip, I grabbed:

  • 3 Glass Jars ($1.99 each)
  • 3 Coffee Scoops ($1.29 each)
  • 2 Gossip Mags ($6)

I had the rest of the supplies at home. No joke, it’s super easy stuff.

So, in all, I have three jars of at-home spa treatments, scoops so you don’t have to dig  your hands in, a loofa, a face towel, two magazines, ribbon, labels, a basket and I’m out the door!

Spa in a Jar Recipes

Face Peel (like an entire face pore strip)

  • Gelatine – unflavored
  • Milk

Instructions: Mix 1 tbs of unflavored gelatin with 1-2 tbsp of milk. This will create a chunky paste. Microwave for about 10-15 seconds and apply immediately to your face. Let dry for around 15 minutes (your face shouldn’t move easily). Peel.


Hand Scrub (people say it’s like the Mary Kay scrub)

  • Sugar
  • Dawn with Oil of Olay

Instructions: Pour the jar 3/4 full of sugar. Add Dawn liquid. Stir. Add whichever ingredient you need in order to create a gritty/liquid consistency. These instructions are extremely specific. No, they’re not.

Scrub-a-dub-dub those hands and rinse with water. They are silky smooth.


Silky Legs

  • Olive Oil
  • Lemon Juice
  • Sugar

Instructions: Mix 1-1/4 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of olive oil and 3 tbsp of lemon juice. Using a jar as small as the ones I was using the mixture reached the top quickly. Stir the oil and sugar to allow the levels to go down a bit and then add the citrus.

How to use silky legs (source: militaryfit-bombshell):

  1. Soak your legs in the tub for 5 minutes.
  2. Shave your legs.
  3. Rub some of this mixture all over your legs. The sugar will help rub off all dirt and dead skin. Rub, rub. Feels like a mini massage.
  4. Rinse it all off, shave again. I would use one razor per leg if you have two. You will be rinsing this razor a lot. I was GROSSED out by the amount of dead skin I was “shaving” off. It was insane! Trust me, you’ll see.
  5. Rub your legs again! Second coat of wax, oh yeah.
  6. Rinse off! You can use a mild soap to help get some of the oil off.
  7. Lotion your legs up, and feel the silkiness!

Enjoy your 20 minutes, under $20 spa gift!


WTF Wednesday: A FREE Budget Tracker for You!

25 Jul


Every morning I wake up, grab some coffee and look outside at my fully blossoming money tree. It’s so gorgeous. That thing continues to produce fortunes for me. Without it (and careful gardening skills) I wouldn’t be able to afford the luxurious life I’m now accustomed to.

Then I really wake up.

Weddings are an effing fortune and, unless you have been saving an average of $27,000 for your big day, you’re probably trying to figure out how you’re going to pay for the best? Tip: Do everything you can to avoid having to “pay” for the wedding after your actual day. What’s that mean? Put the credit cards away.

In real-life, that may not be possible. What you can do is be responsible (barf). Track what you want to spend and track what you’re actually spending.

We found this awesomesauce budget tracker. You can download it for free below. That’s right, F-R-E-E. We’ll do our part in trying to save you money. The cool thing about this budget tracker is that it’s completely customizable and you can view it in every single way your brain may work. You calculate your budget by simply entering a dollar amount. Graphs and charts will just magically show up. Yes, this is what an excel spreadsheet can do for you but as you plan your wedding, do you honestly have enough time to create such a thing?

Click image to download for free

What other helpful freebies might you be looking for? 


Diet Trick Under $5

24 Jul

I’ve been known to try a few (ton) trendy diets. Every time a “new” plan comes out, my eyes get all big thinking that THIS is the one that will solve all my problems. I’ve tried HcG, South Beach, Weight Watchers, the Raw Food diet, Liquid Diet, Quick Trim, Healthe Trim, Bodybuilder Diet, “No White” diet and probably more but I can’t seem to remember them. The one thing that never fails is that I fail. I NEVER maintain my “diet”. The bottom line is that I have an unhealthy relationship with food. Perhaps a bit of therapy or hypnosis will do the trick. See? There I go again, wanting to try something new.

Have you heard of Sensa? Basically, the idea is that you shake this powder on your food and while you ingest the powder, it sends signals to your brain that you are full. Great idea, right? I’m not sure if this works because I haven’t tried it. I’m so broke from trying everything else that I just can’t afford to try yet another something where I may fail. The other problem is that it doesn’t matter what my brain is telling me about being full or not because if something looks good and tastes good, I’ll eat it and enjoy every second…then feel guilty. At this point, we’ve wound back around to my unhealthy relationship with food issue.

So, what’s my suggestion for the diet trick that’s under $5?

Want to sprinkle something on your food that tells your brain you’re full? Grab the salt. Just dump a whole sh*t load on your food and it will taste gross. One bite and you’ll feel “full”.

Turn wonderfully greasy fries into a massive hot mess.

Report back and tell us what you think about this diet trick. I’m being funny but, truly, if you’re like me and you’d try something that requires “shaking” on your food, why not grab something that will literally ruin your food. Like salt a lot? Grab some red pepper flakes. That ought to speed up the ol’ metabolism.

So, while I’m now practicing portion control, tracking my food and losing 3.4 pounds in three days, I think I’ll stick with this plan. I feel great and don’t feel guilty.

Join us on (free)!

User: tawshaconnell and wpepatti


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Relationship Stale? Bring Back the “Date Night”!

23 Jul

Things around our house have been really busy lately. Like, crazy busy. While I’ve been pushing to meet work deadlines, he’s found other things to fill his time. When I’m finally available for some down time, he’s busy with his things. In a rare moment with some empty head space, I reflected back to the not so long ago time we did”date nights”. Even though we were busy, we decided to pick Wednesday nights as “our” nights. We took turns choosing something for us to do together that took us away from our normal routine. Whoever’s night it was got to plan the whole night. If the date required any preparation on the other’s part, we’d let them know where we were going, otherwise, we kept it a surprise. We tried to pick things that we always had wanted to do or places we’d always wanted to go, but never quite got around to. If we went to dinner, it was someplace we’d never been before or a food we’ve never tried.

  • One night we went  to an Indian restaurant we’d passed by a million times but never been to. There wasn’t another person in the place, and we sat on the floor and ate with our hands.
  • Our city has the Spokane river with a series of waterfalls running through the city. We live in the suburbs and although we pass through the downtown area, we rarely stop. We leisurely walked through the park and across the bridges over the falls.
  • We drove to the north side of town, where we seldom go, and discovered a pizza place that was the same one we used to go to in high school near our part of town that had been closed forever.
  • We went to a movie and spent like a billion dollars on popcorn, candy, etc instead of smuggling in our own snacks.

When life gets crazy and time seems so limited, it’s easy to lose that connection with each other. When we can’t fit all that needs to get done in a day, sometimes the suggestion of the other to “let’s go do something” gets skewed in your relaxation-deprived brain as just another demand of your limited time. When daily stress starts to get to you, sometimes just the presence of your partner or the way they say something, or little things they do can grate on your nerves. Date nights can take you out of your stale routines for a night and transport you to another place, remind you of a different time, cause you to recapture a feeling you’ve forgotten you had.

When your spouse/partner is making you crazy and you just want to rip their eyes out, instead of deadbolting yourself  into a room to get away from them, you might give date nights a try. Here are some suggestions from Redbook to get the ball rolling…

100 Great Date Night Ideas

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DIY: Personalized Stenciled Wine Glasses = FAIL

19 Jul

With wedding season in full swing, we knew a lot of you might be trying to wrap your wedding details up in time for your big day. Keeping that in mind, we wanted to offer you a quick DIY project for bridal party gifts. I found a cool wine glass project that lets you “easily” personalize; with a stenciled monogram, and a chalkboard base…

Weddings by Color

So I found stenciling instructions and bought some supplies:

  • Rubbing Alcohol – to clean glass
  • Wine glass (Dollar Store)
  • Stencils (Wal-Mart)
  • Chalkboard Paint (Wal-Mart)
  • Glass Paint (Wal-Mart)

I ended up buying two types of stencils, stick-on and regular paper stencils. I decided to try a glass using one of each. I’ll show you my stick-on one first.

I painted the base of the wineglass with the chalkboard paint. That part was easy peasy. You apply a coat, let it dry, and then keep adding coats until you’re happy with the result. Okay, done and done. I’m really thinking this is going to be a great idea and I might make these for everybody for Christmas. Now I needed to apply my stencil and paint it. I had two types of glass paint and chose Liquid Lead by Delta for this glass. I started painting inside the stencil, being very careful, and then it occurred to me that if I just painted across the whole thing, the paint would fill into the open spaces and save me a lot of work. Sooo much easier and takes way less time. As I painted, I was mentally working through my Christmas list picking out the stencils I’d be using for everybody’s glasses. After a couple coats, I felt this sucker was ready, so I put it aside to dry.

I moved on to my other wineglass, painted the base with the chalkboard paint, let dry, another coat, let dry. It took about four coats before the brush marks didn’t show and it looked totally solid. Cool. Then I positioned my paper monogram stencil. It didn’t allow for the curve of the glass, so I had to tape the holy hell out of it. There. Some puckers, but good enough to paint. This time I used just my regular Acrylic glass paint (FolkArt) and for the most part, only painted the open spaces, not the once over technique I’d used on the glass before. Applying two coats and allowing for drying time in between, I was breezing through this project!

Tawsha has a series on our blog she calls Botched Bakery. She loves to bake, but she really, really sucks at it. It seems that every time she attempts what seems to be an easy recipe, something always goes terribly wrong. As I’m cleaning my paintbrush I’m kind of feeling bad that most of my DIY projects actually turn out pretty good and that some of them, like this one, were really so easy for me. Well, bless her heart for at least trying. Moving on…

Now for the big reveal. I was so excited to see the results before throwing them in the oven to “cure” them. I pictured me and the hubs sitting on the deck when he got home sippin’ a little Reisling out of our cool wineglasses!!

First glass…

peeling, peeling, careful….Voila!

Um…do YOU see anything there or am I blind? What the hell happened to my paint? Well I’ll tell you – it stuck to the damn stencil. Not one single drop of paint stuck to my glass. Frick! Total fail!

On to number two. And the big reveal…

Oh for frick’s sake. What is wrong with me? Seriously. This was not a difficult project. I swear I have some craft gene missing or something. This looks like a distressed antique find!

So after I scratch off the shreds of paint that managed to cling to this glass, I’ll have two wineglasses with chalkboard bases, and by God when I serve my guest’s wine in glasses with their name written in chalk, you can be sure that I’ll take kudos for this cool idea. When they comment on how cleaver I am, my response will be  “Oh thanks, yeah I saw this idea using chalkboard paint to personalize wine glasses. You can also personalize the glass by painting monograms on them, but that seemed kind of boring. I liked this idea better. Was it hard? No, not at all…it was sooo easy!”

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Feel Crappy? – Have More Sex!

17 Jul

Remember when you were younger and guys tried to convince you that having sex with them would be a really good idea? After looking around a little bit to see if there are actually any real benefits to sex, I’ve learned that the proverbial excuse, “I’ve got a headache”, isn’t going to work for you anymore when you’re not in the mood. Turns out, a little roll in the hay can pretty much cure whatever ails you! 

Considering the list below, it makes  me think I should have started a lot earlier! Just a few spoonfuls of sex a week can improve your smile, prolong your life and make your skin glow. Who knew?

  • Keeps our skin young and healthy – Sex increases blood circulation, which helps pump oxygen to our skin resulting in a brighter appearance. Scientific tests find that when woman make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which make hair shiny and skin smooth.
  • Burns Calories – Sexual intercourse burns off 150 calories every half hour.
  • Relieves Stress – Increased levels of oxytocin, are generated by sexual activity which tend to decrease anxiety. For men, their release calms them and sends happy chemicals to their brain. For women, absorbing semen works as a natural antidepressant and helps get rid of stress. Depressed and highly stressed individuals tend to have less sex.
  • Boosts Your Immune System – Having sex once or twice a week has been linked with higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A or IgA, which can protect you from getting colds and other infections.
  • Reduces Pain – It releases natural chemicals like endorphins in the body, both before and during climax. These endorphins have a similar chemical structure to morphine. So if your headache, arthritis pain, or PMS symptoms seem to improve after sex, you can thank those higher oxytocin levels.
  • Lowers Risk of Heart Attacks – When we get aroused our blood starts to pump at a quicker rate and, thus, blood flow to our brain increases. This means that the fresh supply of blood pumping through your body provides the organs with a healthy dose of oxygen and rids the body of old and wasteful products.Researchers found that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of fatal heart attack by half for the men, compared with those who had sex less than once a month.
  • Lowers Risk of Certain Cancer – Men who ejaculate more often have been found to have a lower risk of prostate cancer. As for us ladies, regular sex has been shown to reduce our risk of breast cancer.
  • Fights cavities – Turns out that semen is chock-full of zinc, calcium and other tooth decay-fighting minerals that benefit us when our bodies absorb it. Also kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.
  • Helps You Sleep Better – The oxytocin released during orgasm also promotes sleep, according to research. After an orgasm, an intense wave of calm and relaxation comes over us allowing us to be better able to sleep.

Good God, with this many bene’s, I’m thinking everybody needs to get busy right away! Whaddya say?  Hello? Um…you there? Yoo-hoo…

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