Tag Archives: bride gift

Bad Ass KitchenAid Mixers

20 Feb

What is this wonderment filling my sight and making me a happy person? Oh emmmm geeee! These are theeee coolest mixers I’ve ever seen. Katy Perry and Britney Spears have beat me to the “custom mixer” train but I don’t care how late I am, I’m soooo gifting this to someone…anyone.

Let’s back it up a bit. I’m not doing the ol’ woman in the kitchen bit, this goes far beyond “roles,” it’s art and it’s sassy art! If you don’t already know about Un Amore Custom Designs, well, you can thank me now. Nicole Dinardo is the artist behind ALL of the above designs. They are custom and whatever you can dream up, she’ll bring to life. Fun, right?

I read a cool article about her HERE. Where’s this cool art studio? Snohomish, Washington. Can we get a woot-woot?!?

Today is like show and tell. I developed a quick Un Amore obsession over the weekend and couldn’t wait to blog about it.

Would you spice up your mixer?