Tag Archives: love & lemonade

Personalization Pinspiration

1 Feb

Jones Soda Co and Bottle Your Brand - Seattle, WA

I believe it’s safe to say that I’m addicted to Pinterest. It’s something I look at every day. Okay, full disclosure, I have the tab open as much as I do my email, the app is on my phone on the front page and I feel as if not pinning is equal to neglecting another human being. It’s that serious. What’s more? I don’t apologize for my behavior. I like it and I don’t want to change. Nothing fills my brain with more ideas than Pinterest.

If you don’t have a Pinterest account, we can solve that problem right here and now. Contact us to let us know you want an invite and we’ll send one your way. What is Pinterest? It’s a virtual pin board. Instead of cutting out pages from a magazine or printing out papers of ideas you’ve found or even bookmarking pages to go back to later (let’s be honest, who really visits all their bookmarks?), you can put them in one account on different boards. You install the “Pin it” button on your toolbar and wait until you find an image online that you’d like to keep. Click the “pin it” button and your image choices will pop up. Choose the image you want to keep and add it to one of your boards (which you get to name on your own). Keep wedding ideas in one place, gifts, decor ideas and even the cool idea I’m ready to share with you.

Let’s customize your wedding, shall we? No, seriously! You’ve worked so hard to get everything to match your style from the invitations all the way to your send -off. Why not drink your brand. Yeah baby! Jones Soda Co has some crazy/cool flavors and you can put your picture smack dab in the middle of a bottle of your favorite flavor. The best part, it’s not super-expensive. Cool, no? Also, there’s a company called Bottle Your Brand and they will put a label on pretty much anything with a surface. From water bottles to wine bottles, beer to food, they either have a pre-made design or you can make your own. Can you imagine walking in to your reception and people have drinks with their name already on it? Even more, with YOU on it? Too cool!

How Pinspiring!

What would you have customized?

photo credits:

Line of Jones Soda bottles: McClanahan Studio

Collection of wedding Jones Soda Bottles: Love & Lemonade

Beer Bottles w/custom Label: Bottle Your Brand